Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Message from PetitFiloux on Ravelry

For all Hitchin Stitchers who are not on Ravelry, I bring a message from the Monday Evening group co-ordinator.

Message to all Hitchin knitters (please read on it’s important!)

We have a major event coming up: the Big Knit. This involves knitting little hats for smoothie bottles that will be sold in Sainsbury’s from 4th November. For every bottle sold with a little hat on, 35p will be donated to Age Concern and Help the Aged.

As you know, the Monday evening group started a few weeks ago. Hesadevil has had some leaflets and business cards printed out, so hopefully people out there will know that we exist once I find a little time to hand them out.

In addition to this (here’s the exciting part!) I contacted the Comet newspaper and they’ve agreed to write a little article about us and the Big Knit. This will help promote our knitting groups and charity work of course. They would like to send over a professional photographer to take a few photos so I need to know who is planning on attending the Big Knit events – we need as many people as possible to turn up!!

The dates are the following: Monday 28th September for the evening group and Friday 9th October for the day group (we need to send the hats in by the 16th October). If you can make both dates, even better.

If you are planning on attending, please send me a message or reply to this. I need to have an idea of numbers so that I can tell the photographer whether it’s worth him coming along or not. Please make it worth it! The more the merrier!

You can contact PetitFiloux on Ravely or on her Blog.

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