Saturday, 27 June 2015

Hitchin Festival

Art Installation

Thanks to the team that worked through the day Yesterday, to set up the installation in St Mary'svChurchyard.

Health and Safety at knitting was much in evidence

It attracted a lot of attention during the day. Hopefully,all the photos taken by people walking through the churchyard will hit social media and bring more people in to the Festival.

Knitting installation. All done with plastic bags.

Come and sit and knit under a tree,

Crochet - granny squares.

The Nursery Ryhme tree. Mary, Mary, quite contrary.

With silver bells, cockle shells, and lollipops.

Fruit tree - oranges and lemons (and cherries and apples)

Hickory, Dickory, Dock.

Festival of wool.

Picking pompoms.

This way to St Mary's - a medieval wool church.

The local solicitor's bench.

Lollipop tree.

Flowers in the sun.