Thursday, 29 July 2010

New Venue

With numbers of regular attendees rising, the room at Tim's is fast becoming overcrowded. This, together with some clashes with art classes in the Autumn Term, have led to the search for an alternative venue.

The Radcliffe Arms responded very favourably to my enquiry about holding some of our meetings there. We will not be charged room hire fees providing we have something to drink during our sessions. The pub serves breakfast until 11am so our refreshment break could include some of their 'morning goods'.
 The conservatory is spacious and airy and we have been offered the use of the room upstairs should we require more privacy.

Our links with Tim's will remain in place for the foreseeable future. Tim's is our first 'home' and we will continue to meet there when the upstairs room is available. Tim's will also continue to be our 'postal address' and will appear on our contact cards and flyers.


  1. That conservatory look perfect for a knit and natter session .... lovely and bright.

  2. I'm looking forward to our sessions there. Tim's is getting a bit cramped.

  3. Hi Hitchinstitchers. I've just come across your group and would love to join you - can I come to the 20th August meeting? Don't know where Pat Harris lives though. Can someone help me. Thanks


  4. Hi Pam and welcome to the group. Will be in touch.
