Friday, 20 August 2010


There was an art class running at Tim's this morning so the group met at my place. The weather forecast was overcast but humid. I set up in the conservatory so that we could knit beside the open doors and windows.

Alicia and her daughter Phillipa were the first to arrive, on the dot of 10am. We settled into our chairs and were chatting so much that we didn't notice the time passing. I was just beginning to worry that the others who had confirmed their attendance hadn't arrived when Alicia noticed someone making their way through the house towards the conservatory.

Something interesting

Jane, her sister Lesley, and new member Pam, had been ringing the doorbell for over 20 minutes and were concerned that something must have happened to me. Jane discovered that the porch door was open and they made their way in, hoping they weren't going to find my lifeless body in the hallway. They were relieved to find me safe and well in the conservatory.


The quiet corner

Jane had brought her copy of 'toe up socks' for me to browse as I want to knit a long pair without the worry of running out of yarn. Her sister, Lesley, is the 'Sock Princess' so it's a great pity that she is only visiting the area. I wonder if we might persuade her to re-locate?

There's always a rowdy moment - sometimes more than one.

I set to and made the tea and coffee. Shortly after we had all served ourselves from the cake stands, JaneM arrived and we settled into our normal pattern of knitting, chatter and laughter. Eventually, Hilary, who'd been absent from the group for  long time due to work commitments, joined us.

No, not  the head of the capo di famiglia. Hilary arrives carrying a marrow

I've mentioned it before but it bears repeating, how wonderfully  caring and sharing are the members of this group. Alicia and Hilary brought home-grown vegetables for me and Jane gave me a pot of recently-made berry jam. Knitting magazines and books are freely shared as is expertise and experience (not just about knitting). One of our members has moved from the area and we are already planning a visit next Spring for a knitting weekend at her new home.

I think everyone had an enjoyable morning. I know I did.